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250 message(s), the most recent arriving on Mon 10 April at 01:49 GMT.
[AD] Allegro and Visual Basic
[AD] [WIN] dll export file patch
Re: [AD] set_volume_per_voice() maximum volume
[AD] [TODO] some things
[AD] zipup script broken.
[AD] escaping newlines and cpp reentrance
[AD] Unicode again
[AD] get_gfx_mode_list implementation.
[AD] mode list patch committed.
[AD] again. *sigh* (+cleanup proposal)
[AD] Watcom 11.0
[AD] P3D merge cleanup patch
[AD] Watcom C 11 - micro howto
[AD] DOS digital audio instability
[AD] Unicode (2)
[AD] new unified fix scripts.
[AD] Very small patch for black_rgb initialisation
[AD] Patch to add constructor stuff to load_bitmap, save_bitmap
[AD] grabber default to windowed mode?
Re: [AD] [WIN] new script
[AD] Color conversion problems
[AD] Patch to fix small typo
Re: [AD] get_config_string return value
[AD] Unicode (3)
[AD] Since when can a bitmap have colour depth 9?
[AD] Small typo patch
[AD] error in latest cvs
[AD] dynamically loaded modules for Unix
[AD] latest WIP
[AD] script updates in CVS.
[AD] Setup program
[AD] Setup program (2)
[AD] Strange crash with recent WIP
[AD] fix.bat format?
[AD] MIDIs played too slow in 3.9.36
[AD] centre_dialog changed
[AD] Optimized rotation routine
[AD] word left/right in d_edit_proc()
[AD] The docs need to be updated.
[AD] DGA2 module
[AD] French translation
[AD] Grabber crash
[AD] Unicode example program
[no subject]
[no subject]