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> I may miss something, but the behaviour of the ANSI strncpy() is rather
> given that memcpy() does a very similar job.
It is not that odd, since if strncpy detects a \0 before copied 'n'
characters, it will
fills with \0 the rest of the string, iow, this program:
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void main(void) {
char str1[] = "hello\0everybody\0";
char str2[] = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";
strncpy(str2, str1, 10);
// now str2 is "hello\0\0\0\0\0aaaaaaaa";
printf("%s %d %c\n", str2, str2[6], str2[6]);
memcpy(str2, str1, 10);
// now srt2 is "hello\0everaaaaaaaa";
printf("%s %d %c\n", str2, str2[6], str2[6]);
will print:
hello 0
hello 101 e