Re: [AD] install_sound(), DOS port, perhaps others?

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On 04 Jun 2001, Ben Davis <ben@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > The idea I had for that was similar, provide a method to use the primary
> > sound buffer, again if this functionality is not already provided...
[snip technical stuff]
> That's just one way of doing it. You or someone else may have a better idea
> :-)

Forgive me if I haven't been paying enough attention, but AFAICT,
you want to push data straight to the sound card, bypassing the
voice system (and whatever mixer is being used).  Can you not just
reserve a single voice and use the voice functions?  Presumably
Allegro's mixer outputs as-clean-as-possible when there is only one
voice in effect.  Or is there too much latency or whatnot?

Maybe you want control over the sample format used by the sound
card, or to work with whatever sample format the card is using?

tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx -
CAREENA (ka REEN uh), n.  Any mangled or missing piece of highway guard
rail.  -- Rich Hall, "Sniglets"

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