[AD] install_sound(), DOS port, perhaps others?

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Anyone have any reports of instability caused by the Allegro sound drivers? 

Generally speaking, it doesn't appear to affect the application itself, but 
after a simple allegro_init()/install_sound(DIGI_AUTODETECT, MIDI_NONE, 
NULL)/return 0 program, after executing it once in a fresh DOS box, 80% of 
the time if I execute DOS PKZip/PKUnzip afterwards (immediately or with 
another app executing in between), Win98SE closes the DOS box with a fault 
report... usually or always invalid instruction. I thought the instability 
was caused by another part of a program I use Allegro in, but that's all I 
tracked it down to, and can now reproduce it with that simple code.

On a not-entirely-unrelated subject... any plans for a 'direct-access' sound 
method - ie, no voices/audio streams, but rather something along the lines of 
supplying one's own alternate mixer?


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