Re: [AD] Patch to add constructor stuff to load_bitmap, save_bitmap

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On 14 Jun 2001, Laurence Withers <lwithers@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Here is a patch which wraps src/readbmp.c (load_bitmap(), save_bitmap()
> et al.) in a constructor:
>  /* for module linking system; see comment in allegro.c */
> diff -ru alleg.original/src/allegro.c allegro/src/allegro.c
> --- alleg.original/src/allegro.c	Sun Jun 10 20:14:40 2001
> +++ allegro/src/allegro.c	Thu Jun 14 22:11:26 2001
> @@ -273,6 +273,7 @@
>        _initialize_datafile_types();
>        _midi_constructor();
>        _mouse_constructor();
> +      _register_bitmap_file_type_init();
>     #endif
>     if (errno_ptr)
> @@ -353,9 +354,6 @@
>  	 atexit(allegro_exit);
>     }
> -   /* register the standard bitmap file types */
> -   register_bitmap_file_type_init();
> -

`_register_bitmap_file_type_init' adds an exit function so that all
the file types get removed after a call to `allegro_exit'.  With
your patch, even if you `allegro_init' again, the list is gone (if
you have constructors).

Fix please :)

TOASTATE (TOHS tayt), v.  To impatiently pop toast up and down in the
toaster, thus increasing the likelihood of burning it.
	-- Rich Hall, "Sniglets"

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