Re: [AD] mouse bug

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Javier Gonzсlez <xaviergonz@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> from dx sdk:
> "The data returned for the x-axis and y-axis of a mouse indicates the
> movement of the mouse itself, not the cursor. The units of measurement are
> based on the values returned by the mouse hardware and have nothing to do
> with pixels or any other form of screen measurement. Because Microsoftо
> DirectInputо communicates directly with the mouse driver, the values for
> mouse speed and acceleration set by the user in Control Panel do not affect
> this data."
> So, it is clear we must add acceleration in order to make it compatible with
> dos, linux and even windows desktop =)
> ok, that's clear, acceleration is a must by default

I guess mouse drivers are written by humans, so it is possible that
some driver returns mickeys in accelerated form, and there might be
people who are used to use mouse without acceleration, they will be
uncomfortable with accelerated mouse.  Adding option to disable mouse
acceleration can be a good thing.

Michael Bukin

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