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Hello Conductors,
Did anyone tried to compile latest WIP with Watcom C 11 for DOS?
First problem is a bug in allegro\include\allegro\al386wat.h:
if you remove last character in file - "}" (line 221), it starts
to compile.
Next problem is lack of asmdef.h...
For some reasons this file isn't generated by Makefile, and I didn't
yet figured out why.
Does anyone tests new WIPs against Watcom C compiler? If yes,
please let me know. I think I can do this. I can test only against
v11.0 (imagine, I lost somewhere cd media for trusty old Watcom C
Watcom C is a nice compiller, and Team Sybase already did quite a
lot of work cleaning source tree of v11. They are going to release (I
hope this year) OpenWatcom 1.0.
Best regards,
Adrian mailto:aoboroc@xxxxxxxxxx