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167 message(s), the most recent arriving on Tue 24 February at 23:36 GMT.
[hatari-devel] Invalid 'FDC DMA data read' RAM range
[hatari-devel] Problem with printer output?
[hatari-devel] Removing magic values from PSG?
[hatari-devel] 68040 MMU is now working
Re: [hatari-devel] Re: Magic doesn't work with Hatari [ translation needed please]
[hatari-devel] TT emulation does not work with FPU disabled
[hatari-devel] Entracte demo by exa
[hatari-devel] DSP reset
[hatari-devel] First 68060 demo running from beginning to the end
Re: [hatari-devel] WinUAE core freeze with ST emulation, solved but another question about gemdos drive.
Re: [hatari-devel] Bug report: AHCC not working anymore with GEMDOS emulation
[hatari-devel] Pinball dream Falcon is working... but...
Re: [hatari-devel] Small test to run on STE
[hatari-devel] POV 136 & STE emulation?
[hatari-devel] Old UAE core regressions in Falcon games
[hatari-devel] STX (Pasti support)
Re: [hatari-devel] AHHC Project files (was: Bug report: AHCC not working anymore with GEMDOS emulation)
[hatari-devel] IPF file format support (Kyroflux) (in addition to STX)
[hatari-devel] Hatari Falcon emulation segfault with EmuTOS
[hatari-devel] Hatari display in Falcon ST high
[hatari-devel] Hatari Falcon videomode bug
[hatari-devel] Getting cycles used by previous or next instruction without modifying CPU state?
[hatari-devel] Falcon upper and lower borders added
[hatari-devel] Falcon/mono question
[hatari-devel] Falcon all borders added + borders computing questions
[hatari-devel] Re: Debugging m68k Linux with Hatari
[hatari-devel] Videl borders
[hatari-devel] Is there a need to keep 2 nearly identical functions into hatari ?
[hatari-devel] Little question oldcpu/newcpu
[hatari-devel] 2 little more questions
[hatari-devel] rev 3837 -> UAE not AUE please
[hatari-devel] Avi030 tests
Re: [hatari-devel] UAE core regressions in Falcon demos
[no subject]
[no subject]