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On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 12:53 PM, Laurent Sallafranque <
laurent.sallafranque@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> I reask, as it had no reply.
> Regards
> Laurent
> Le 05/02/2012 20:20, Laurent Sallafranque a =E9crit :
>  Hi all,
>> I've givent a try to entracte demo both on Hatari and on my real falcon.
>> My Falcon is  4 Meg + a 688882 fpu and is running in VGA.
>> Hatari is running with 14 Megs in RGB.
>> In both case, the demo loads and quits immediatly (on real hardware too)=
>> Is there something specific to know to launch it ?
>> Regards
>> Laurent

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