[hatari-devel] Hatari Falcon emulation segfault with EmuTOS

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I got Hatari segfault both with new and old CPU cores when
trying to run EKO's system demo with latest EmuTOS snapshot.

hatari --bios-intercept --trace xbios --fast-forward yes --tos emutos-512k-
CVS-20120208/etos512k.img --machine falcon eko_syst.em/system.prg

Autostart file 'C:\EMUDESK.INF' for 'SYSTEM.PRG' matched.
Autostart file removed.
XBIOS 89 (VgetMonitor)
A-Trap a00a at 3b7b0 (0x85f3870)
XBIOS 2 (Physbase)
XBIOS 88 VsetMode(0xffff)
XBIOS 88 VsetMode(0xffff)
XBIOS 130 (Soundcmd)
XBIOS 130 (Soundcmd)
XBIOS 130 (Soundcmd)
XBIOS 139 (Devconnect)
XBIOS 135 (Setinterrupt)
XBIOS 37 (Vsync)
XBIOS 130 (Soundcmd)
XBIOS 130 (Soundcmd)
XBIOS 130 (Soundcmd)
XBIOS 139 (Devconnect)
XBIOS 135 (Setinterrupt)
XBIOS 37 (Vsync)
XBIOS 37 (Vsync)
<longish wait>
crossbar DMA Play: Illegal buffer size (from 0x0fde14 to 0x0fdde8)
XBIOS 37 (Vsync)
XBIOS 109 (Dsp_ExecProg)
Segmentation fault

With the old core the segfault happens a bit earlier after
the crossbar message.

Segfault happens also without fast-forward (or tracing), but it of course
takes then a long time to happens.

	- Eero

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