When running in Falcon emulation (68030+Falcon+32MHz), the 'interlace/double
line' bit in the Falcon videomode is interpreted in the opposite way from a
real Falcon, as follows:
Interlace/double line Real Falcon Hatari
--------------------- ----------- ------
0 Full height screen Half height screen
1 Half height screen Full height screen
This can easily be seen by running TOS 4.04 under Hatari and on a real Falcon.
In the "Set video..." dialog, if you select 16 colours, 80 columns, interlace
off (this is videomode 0x000a), the screen on a real Falcon is 640x480; the
screen on Hatari is 640x240. If you set interlace on (videomode 0x010a), the
screen on a real Falcon is 640x240; the screen on Hatari is 640x480.
Roger Burrows