[hatari-devel] Invalid 'FDC DMA data read' RAM range |
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Hi, When testing things with the TOS tester, I hit into this: hatari --tos tos162us.img --machine ste -s 0 -m bootdesk.st.gz .... Invalid 'FDC DMA data read' RAM range 0xff8606+16! Invalid 'FDC DMA data read' RAM range 0xff8616+16! Invalid 'FDC DMA data read' RAM range 0xff8626+16! .... Invalid 'FDC DMA data read' RAM range 0xff87d6+16! Invalid 'FDC DMA data read' RAM range 0xff87e6+16! Invalid 'FDC DMA data read' RAM range 0xff87f6+16! Is this an issue in the new FDC code or in STE TOS? bootdesk.st.gz is attached. The DESKTOP.INF in this floppy image starts MINIMAL.PRG which just reads TEXT file and outputs it to PRN: (printer). NOTE: the issue disappears with *any* of these: * Use --fastfdc yes * Use 1MB of memory instead of 0.5MB * Use color monitor instead of mono * Run the program from autofolder or manually from desktop instead of autostarting it from DESKTOP.INF - Eero
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