Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari display in Falcon ST high

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Hi Laurent,
On 21 Feb 2012 at 20:19, Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
> I've tested your program.
> I haven't seen any problem, but I may be wrong.
> I launch hatari in RGB monitor emulation.
> I've switched from 640*400*8bpp to st high compatible.
> Then, I've launched your program.
> I've first changed S(te) color without any change.
> Then, I've changed F(alcon) color Red and all the letters have switched 
> to RED.
> It seems to behave as you described, no ?
> Can you explain me deeper the problem you encountered ?
One time, my test seemed to show that the colour followed the STe palette, 
which was wrong.  But when I tested again, I could not reproduce the problem; 
the colour followed the Falcon palette, like a real Falcon.  I don't *think* I 
was mistaken the first time, but if I can't reproduce the problem, it's very 
hard for you to fix ...  If I find some way of making the failure consistent, 
I'll post again.

Best wishes,

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