Re: [hatari-devel] Microwire register value on Falcon

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> Datum: Wed, 01 Feb 2012 23:56:12 +0100
> Von: Laurent Sallafranque <laurent.sallafranque@xxxxxxx>
> Another thought,
> Thomas, would it be possible to modifiy your bus error program to test :
> 1) is this address is a buss error one ?
> 2) if not, try to write a value into the address, then read it 2 or 3 
> times with some time between and repeat the write/read with a few 
> different values ?
> Like this, on the real Falcon, we could detect if some other addresses 
> behave like the microwire one.

Such generic test program for all registers does not make sense. Many registers automatically change their value, and writing random values to some other registers might even crash the system or erase your hard disk ;-) So you really got to know which register you're writing to so you can interpret the results.


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