On 20 Feb 2012 at 22:50, Eero Tamminen wrote:
On maanantai 20 helmikuu 2012, Roger Burrows wrote:
When running in Falcon mode (68030+Falcon selected in System), Hatari
uses the STe palette registers as the source for colour[1] in ST high..
It should use the Falcon palette registers, like a real Falcon does.
This happens in Hatari 1.6.0 running under Windows.
I have a test program that allows you to modify selected registers of
either the STe or Falcon palette. The test program runs in TTP mode,
and modifying register 1 should immediately change the text colour from
the default black.
When run on a real Falcon or Aranym, modifying Falcon palette register 1
changes the colour; modifying STe palette register 1 has no effect. When
run on Hatari 1.6.0, the reverse is true.
All these tests are done with TOS v4?
Yes, TOS 4.04.
According to "--trace videl" there are several shift register writes
even on TOS v4 boot. What are the STE and Falcon shift register values
at this point?
On a real Falcon, STshift = 00, SPSHIFT = 0400.
Aranym would seem to force use of STE palette when
either in ST-low or in ST 4 or 2 color mode:
I don't think so ... Aranym uses the Falcon palette in ST High (see above).
Is there any documentation on what exactly would be the right
I think how a real Falcon behaves is probably the only documentation :-).