Re: [hatari-devel] Problem with printer output?

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Am Freitag, den 03.02.2012, 23:00 +0200 schrieb Eero Tamminen: 
> Hi,
> On perjantai 03 helmikuu 2012, Matthias Arndt wrote:
> > > This works fine for TOS v1.00, v3.06, v4.04
> > > and EmuTOS.
> > > 
> > > However, Hatari creates no printer output file
> > > when same test program is run within TOS versions
> > > v1.02 - v2.06.
> > 
> > I can't remember on which TOSes I tested the output back then.
> > For the moment I cannot confirm v2.06. It works here for TOS v2.06 with
> > my standard Satandisk config. 
> >
> > I only clicked on "Print" on the desktop for NEWDESK.INF
> Ah, that's a good test.
> If I use TOS "Print screen" option after running MINIMAL.PRG,
> then I get "printer-out" file, which grows very slowly, 4KB
> at the time.
> When looking at the code, printer.c has a minor issue
> compared to midi.c:
> * It buffers the output for 2kB which is flushed at every VBL
>   and when Hatari is exited normally.
> * However, it doesn't tell C-library to disable buffering, so
>   writes will be buffered also in the C-library, for whatever
>   amount is the optimal size for the filesystem.  In my case
>   that's apparently 4kB.
> -> The code should either let C-library do the buffering
>    (i.e. data will be flushed automatically at fclose(),
>    or disable C-library buffering.
> And the init code is peculiar:
> ---------
>         if (strlen(ConfigureParams.Printer.szPrintToFileName) <= 1)
>         {
>                 const char *psHomeDir;
>                 psHomeDir = Paths_GetHatariHome();
>                 /* construct filename for printing.... */
>                 if (strlen(psHomeDir)+1+strlen(PRINTER_FILENAME) < 
> sizeof(ConfigureParams.Printer.szPrintToFileName))
> ---------
> I.e. user can use a filename with one letter or one that's longer
> than home+hatari.prn.   E.g. /tmp/print.out isn't tolerated.

The printer.c file is probably still of Winston heritage. I didn'T touch
it back then, only replaced some few lines to make it Unix and libc
compatible. Feel free to change anything to make it more compatible and

> However, these don't explain why the file isn't even opened with
> TOS versions v1.02 - v2.06.
> On assumption that they do some internal buffering, I replaced
> the TEXT file with Hatari's "video.c" (144kB), but that didn't
> help anything.  There's still no printer-out file with TOS v2.
> Then I tried Gdb.
> In TOS v2, running MINIMAL.PRG didn't result in any
> Printer_TransferByteTo() calls, but "Print screen" did.
> On the listed working TOS versions, MINIMAL.PRG running results
> in Printer_TransferByteTo() calls though.
> When I printed in psg.c, the PORTA value, during the printing...
> I.e. the bits 0x4 and 0x2 are being toggled, although the code checks
> for bit 0x20 being toggled:
> -------------
>                 if (ConfigureParams.Printer.bEnablePrinting)                                                                                                         
>                 {                                                                                                                                                    
>                         /* Bit 5 - Centronics strobe? If STROBE is low and 
> the LastStrobe was high,                                                                  
>                                         then print/transfer to the emulated 
> Centronics port.                                                                         
>                          */                                                                                                                                          
>                         if (LastStrobe && ( 
> (PSGRegisters[PSG_REG_IO_PORTA]&(1<<5)) == 0 ))                                                                          
>                         {                                                                                                                                            
>                                 /* Seems like we want to print something... 
> */                                                                                       
>                                 Printer_TransferByteTo(PSGRegisters[PSG_REG_IO_PORTB]); 
> -------------
> [1] TOS Print screen gives same PORTA output as I get for Fwrites
> to PRN: in the working TOS versions. 
> Any idea what's wrong?

Not really. Back then I simply asume as soon as the STROBE is set, a
byte needs to be send to the printer. If that is wrong, ofocurse the
whole thing was whacky from the first commit. I never claimed it was a
perfect 100% solution, just a hack, that worked for the time being.

BTW. I wanted to keep the handling really on I/O port level and not on
TOS software assumptions. TOS always only was one possible OS for the
Atari ST.

> 	- Eero

Matthias Arndt <marndt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Jabber: simonsunnyboy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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