Re: [hatari-devel] Microwire register value on Falcon

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I'm totally OK for $ff8922 from your test program, but I'd like another test for $ff8924.w

You're testing the mask with $7ff (which is the "most common value".).

But what is the result for a $7ff0 mask ? (or any rolled value).
Does it still neg the value you entered and then neg it again, or does it return a fix $07ff anyway the value you give it ?



Le 01/02/2012 23:56, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
Another thought,

Thomas, would it be possible to modifiy your bus error program to test :
1) is this address is a buss error one ?
2) if not, try to write a value into the address, then read it 2 or 3 times with some time between and repeat the write/read with a few different values ?

Like this, on the real Falcon, we could detect if some other addresses behave like the microwire one.



Le 01/02/2012 23:52, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :

Thanks a lot too for the tests.

So, it seems that $ff8922 always return 0 and $ff8924 returns $7ff except the first time (a change, then the mask value).

I think it could be OK to just return $7ff, but a program may test if the value is different and then equal. As I've never encountered this before, I think we can just return $7ff and add a comment in iomemtabfalcon for this $f800 value, for later if needed.

Thomas, instead of a return0 function, wouldn't it be better to have a returnFixValue (thevalue) one ?

we could do : returnFixValue(0) for $ff8922 and returnFixValue($7ff) for $ff8924



01/02/2012 22:09, Thomas Huth a écrit :
Am Wed, 1 Feb 2012 20:45:06 +0000
schrieb "Konador, Cyprian"<cyprian.konador@xxxxxx>:
Below you can find result in TXT

CPU - Microwire Data read:
pass 1    pass 2    pass 3    pass 4
$0000    $0000    $0000    $0000
$0000    $0000    $0000    $0000
$0000    $0000    $0000    $0000
$0000    $0000    $0000    $0000

CPU - Microwire Mask read:
pass 1    pass 2    pass 3    pass 4
$f800    $f800    $f800    $f800
$07ff    $07ff    $07ff    $07ff
$07ff    $07ff    $07ff    $07ff
$07ff    $07ff    $07ff    $07ff
Ok, thanks a lot to everybody involved for the fast help here! I'm not
quite sure how to interpret the $f800 in the mask register here
(anybody got an idea why the Falcon would return the inverted value
here?), but I think for the most programs, it should be enough to simply
return the value that has been written to the register. What do you


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