Re: [hatari-devel] Falcon upper and lower borders added |
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This seems to work, do you confirm ?memset(hvram_line, (Uint32)HostScreen_getPaletteColor(0), videl.upperBorderSize * (scrpitch>>2) * sizeof(*hvram_line));
Laurent Le 22/02/2012 23:09, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
Hi,I like this one, but memset only fills with bytes, but I need Uint32 colors in 8 BBPs.Is there something similar to memset that would allow to set longs instead of bytes ?regards Laurent Le 22/02/2012 20:36, Eero Tamminen a écrit :memset(hvram_line, HostScreen_getPaletteColor(0), videl.upperBorderSize * srcpitch * sizeof(*hvram_line)); hvram_line += videl.upperBorderSize * srcpitch;
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