[hatari-devel] Little question oldcpu/newcpu |
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I don't know if the following is important or not, I just ask in case of.
When I boot with the new CPU, I get the following lines I haven't got
when I boot with the old CPU:
M68000 Bus Error reading at address $ff8e09.
Exception 2 (0) at e02ce2 -> e02ce6!
A-Trap a000 at e010a0 (0x1a485c0)
A-Trap a00e at e010c0 (0x1a485e0)
A-Trap a000 at fa022c (0x1be774c)
I've compared hatari falcon starting with the 2 CPUs. I get the
following traces
00E0109A 22d8 MOVE.L (A0)+,(A1)+
00E0109C 22d8 MOVE.L (A0)+,(A1)+
00E0109E 3290 MOVE.W (A0),(A1)
00E010A0 a000 ILLEGAL.L
00E094EA 226f 0002 MOVEA.L (A7, $0002) == $00008862,A1
00E094EE 3411 MOVE.W (A1),D2
00E094F0 c47c 0fff AND.W #$0fff,D2
$e0109a : 22d8 move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
$e0109c : 22d8 move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
$e0109e : 3290 move.w (a0),(a1)
$e010a0 : a000 linea
#0 ; Line-A Initialization
$e094ea : 226f 0002 movea.l 2(sp),a1
$e094ee : 3411 move.w (a1),d2
$e094f0 : c47c 0fff and.w #$fff,d2
In both case, the PC continues at the same addresses, and instructions
are the same.
I think it's only the debuggers that don't indicate the same thing, but
as I'm not totally sure, I prefer asking.
I think the lineA (A_TRAP is done correctly in both case).
Do you agree with me ?
(In the latest source, WINUAE doesn't display the A-TRAP
I'll have a look at the $ff8e09 address.