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115 message(s), the most recent arriving on Fri 01 December at 02:58 GMT.
Re: [hatari-devel] MIDI support for Windows & OSX (with PortMidi)
[hatari-devel] Support for loading GNU-style symbols from a.out executables
[hatari-devel] Build/Link failure
[hatari-devel] Changes to STOP/LPSTOP instruction
[hatari-devel] Current dev version warnings
[hatari-devel] symbol ignored at end of program
[hatari-devel] symbols not always loaded when entering debugger ?
Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari debugger builtin symbols / variables
Re: [hatari-devel] correct ? (4-color VDI mode colors)
Re: [hatari-devel] correct ? (scrollbar width in VDI mode)
Re: [hatari-devel] New cycle exact YM2149 emulation
Re: [hatari-devel] Building Hatari 2.xx on Windows platform (?)
Re: [hatari-devel] Keyboard shortcut to toggle Atari borders?
Re: [hatari-devel] Tests with the cycle exact fix 68030
[hatari-devel] TT emulation sound setting experiment
[hatari-devel] TOS v4 / TT-RAM issue with floppy images
[hatari-devel] OS compatibility documentation for builds?