Re: [hatari-devel] TOS v4 / TT-RAM issue with floppy images

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Le 27/11/2017 à 17:12, Thorsten Otto a écrit :
On Montag, 27. November 2017 11:24:37 CET Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
maybe just leave it as is and add a note that TT-RAM for
falcon is an emulation hack and might cause errors with floppy

The problem is that it might not only cause read errors, but may accidently
overwrite the ST-RAM instead of the intended TT-RAM address.

Yes :)

I checked the code ; the difference between ST and Falcon with FDC DMA transfer is that STF/STE are correctly masked to 0x3fffff (limited to 4 MB) and Falcon will mask FDC DMA address with 0xffffff (limtied to 16 MB, but a real falcon won't allow that config).

So, in all cases falcon's emulation will give bad result if trying to transfer FDC data in TT RAM, because TT RAM starts at 0x01000000 (just after 16 MB).

Also, DMA registers only exist for 3 bytes, you can't set the highest byte of a 32 bit address.

Any FDC access beyond 0x01000000 will indeed overwrite the corresponding normal RAM.

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