Re: [hatari-devel] New cycle exact YM2149 emulation

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Le 19/11/2017 à 11:55, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

On 06/18/2017 07:01 AM, David Savinkoff wrote:
----- Nicolas Pomarède wrote:

  From a few comparisons with my STF, I would say that Hatari result is a
little bit too attenuated and should be a little more "sharp", but not
as much as when turning filter off completely.

This patch changes filter coefficients for a sharper sound.
I can make more patches until the timbre is right.

Nicolas, David, was there any follow up for this?

I have a new ym2149 emulation ready, need to push it to main repo soon.

     - Eero

(I'm thinking that we could start preparing for new Hatari release,
so I started going through pending issues from hatari-devel.)

hopefully, we should be able to do sthg soon, maybe for christmas :)

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