Re: [hatari-devel] symbols not always loaded when entering debugger ?

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On Sonntag, 12. November 2017 17:55:15 CET Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
> But if my program crashes with an address error for example, it will
> display 3 bombs and if I press alt+pause, then debugger is started, but
> symbols are not loaded from test.prg this time :

I would bet that this is because your program is already terminated, and thus 
no longer available through gemdos. The code may still be in memory until you 
run another program, but it is not the "current" program anymore.

>I think that's an error, the symbol should also be added if its position 
>is the end of the section (BSS in that case), ie its position is end of 
>section + 1

Yes i noticed that already when adding support for a.out. For the data and bss 
segments, the end addresses are set to last address - 1 (maybe to catch cases 
when these sections are empty?)

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