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79 message(s), the most recent arriving on Thu 28 April at 01:52 GMT.
Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari doesn't work with old versions' config files
[hatari-devel] Real time clock support
[no subject]
[hatari-devel] Debugger 'n' command
[hatari-devel] Reload ROM/floppy on reset
[hatari-devel] Boot from HD and floppy bootsector
[hatari-devel] Hatari speed accuracy
[hatari-devel] "Bug nHBL" messages from video.c
[hatari-devel] Xbios interception?
[hatari-devel] GEMDOS emulation messed up internal variables after repeated coldstart?
[hatari-devel] DSP Question REP instruction