Re: [hatari-devel] Re: [hatari-users] Hatari goes Sinclair QL |
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Le 01/04/2016 21:50, Thomas Huth a écrit :
Strange, I also have gcc 5.3.1 here and it's compiling without errors
on my system ... maybe that REGP1 got somehow defined on your system
while it was not defined on mine...?
not that I know, but it seems it's the case.
Anyway, seems like using the uQLx sources for QL support was a
bad idea since the sources seem to be in a quite messy state... so I
think I better drop that effort again... ;-)
I added in src/ql/QL68000.h
#define NO_REGP
then it compiles ; but when I run "./hatari" alone, I get a message with
"double bus error" window. My setup defaults to tos 1.04 fr, maybe it's
related to another post where the upper 8 bits where not cleared ?
What tos version is recommended to finally see the result ? :)