Re: [hatari-devel] Reload ROM/floppy on reset

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On 11/04/2016 00:16, Eero Tamminen wrote:
Why not just restart Hatari?

Because Hatari is nice as it allows the user to change most hardware settings and reset to get them temporarily applied. Without messing with configuration files. Very handy when testing EmuTOS features on different hardware. Restarting Hatari would mean to save the temporary settings to a configuration file, and specify that configuration file on the command-line for next startup. Definitely not user-friendly.

You can script (almost) everything Hatari does.

In the debugger that would be:
setopt --disk-a
setopt --disk-a
reset cold

You can put it to debugger script and ask debugger
to parse that.

It would be nice that Hatari could do such thing automatically, so the average Atari developer could focus on his task without messing with debugger scripts. In other words, it would be nice that Hatari behaves intuitively, just like Steem.

Vincent Rivière

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