Re: [hatari-devel] Reload ROM/floppy on reset |
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Le 11/04/2016 18:34, Matthias Arndt a écrit :
Am 11.04.2016 um 15:53 schrieb Vincent Rivière:It would be nice that Hatari could do such thing automatically, so the average Atari developer could focus on his task without messing with debugger scripts. In other words, it would be nice that Hatari behaves intuitively, just like Steem.+1..using such nerd-like measures is a main reason why people dismiss Hatari as a usable emulator. We need more userfriendliness, esp. for the powerful features like the debugger.
I can agree that it can be hard sometimes as a "usable debugger", but I would not go that far to say "as a usable emulator" :)
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