Re: [hatari-devel] Special WinUAE FPU settings

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Le 10/04/2016 03:59, Thomas Huth a écrit :

Seems like there is a similar setting for the FPU, too:


... should we also initialize that to "true"?


I would say yes if we want to be close to real HW ; this affects a few instruction, but I don't know the different fpu specs that much, maybe Toni can give us detail if he read this.

Another observation: "fpu_strict" seems to be only used by the JIT code
which we do not use yet. Shall we disable that "FPU slower but more
compatible" setting in the GUI? (and maybe also the "--fpu-compatible"
CLI option?)

yes, maybe it could confuse user if it's not used in Hatari at the moment. This looks ok to me to disable this option.


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