Re: [hatari-devel] Mac OS X vs. bRealTimeClock |
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Le 19/06/2016 à 23:14, Thomas Huth a écrit :
> Am Sun, 19 Jun 2016 15:38:43 -0500
> schrieb Bob Carpenter <hatari@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>> Thomas,
>> I changed the French and English NIB files with the changes you
>> mentioned. I changed the text to say “Blitter in ST mode”. Jerome
>> will want to check my French translation since I used Google for the
>> French text. The “compatible but slower” text has also been fixed in
>> the FPU section.
>> Here is the new version of the NIB files.
> Thanks, the modification to the XML files looked fine, so I pushed
> these changes to the repository now, too.
>> Unfortunately, while Xcode supports XIB files, I have never been able
>> to get Hatari to work with the XML-based XIB file. I have always had
>> to use the NIB files in order for the OS X GUI to work.
> Ok ... but ignoring XIB files for now ... what's in keyedobjects.nib
> that is not in designable.nib? Do the files contain different
> information or is keyedobjects.nib just a compiled version of
> designable.nib? Could you maybe try to (temporarily) delete
> keyedobjects.nib and check whether Xcode can regenerate it from
> the designable.nib file?
You cannot remove these files. I do not know what's inside, they are
created when you save modified .NIB.
We SHOULD be able to work with .XIB files, that are XML files, converted
to compiled and compressed .NIB files by XCode at build time;
But this need to be added to the CMAKE process, do not know how.
Becaude cmake -G Xcode now produce a perfectly working XCode project,
CMAKE process need to handle localization files and XIB compilation.
It's obscure...
Also, do not edit by hand files inside SDLMain.nib: it do not work
(files downloaded from mercurial, modified by Bob made my XCode crash).