Re: [hatari-devel] Mac OS X vs. bRealTimeClock

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I did not realize the SDLMain.nib file contained two other files in the package. I did delete the keyedobjects.nib file. When I did that, Xcode was able to load the NIB file and the menus appeared as I expected. When I changed the NIB file, Xcode did regenerate the keyedobjects.nib file.

However, the OS X package will not run with the NIB file that has the keyedobjects.nib file removed from the package. The person compiling the OS X package would need to know to re-save the NIB file so the keyedobjects.nib file is regenerated. I am concerned people will not know this and wonder why their compiled Hatari binary does not work.

Bob C

> On Jun 19, 2016, at 4:14 PM, Thomas Huth <th.huth@xxxxxx> wrote:
>> Unfortunately, while Xcode supports XIB files, I have never been able
>> to get Hatari to work with the XML-based XIB file. I have always had
>> to use the NIB files in order for the OS X GUI to work.
> Ok ... but ignoring XIB files for now ... what's in keyedobjects.nib
> that is not in designable.nib? Do the files contain different
> information or is keyedobjects.nib just a compiled version of
> designable.nib? Could you maybe try to (temporarily) delete
> keyedobjects.nib and check whether Xcode can regenerate it from
> the designable.nib file?
> Thomas

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