Re: [hatari-devel] Re: Mac OS X vs. bRealTimeClock |
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Le 18/06/2016 à 23:09, Troed Sångberg a écrit :
Builds. New machine types are there, realtime clock not removed but greyed out. See attachment. Some text after "compatible" (FPU) seems cut off. Also, it seems to believe my previous config was "Falcon 68000 8MHz" when I just replaced the .app.
Maybe this is due to the Machine types enum that were reordered in main source ? If OSX app saved machine as an int, it's possible this doesn't match the new Machine types in includes/configuration.h
Not sure what I should be looking after after changing machine type though? /Troed
As a test for the new machine type, you could try "we were @", it should work in "mega ste" mode if you use the latest dev version from today that uses different timings when starting blitter (compared to ste blitter)
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