Re: [hatari-devel] Mac OS X vs. bRealTimeClock |
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Am Sun, 19 Jun 2016 15:06:21 -0500
schrieb Bob Carpenter <hatari@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> Thomas,
> I changed the English and French NIB files to remove the blitter and
> RTC checkboxes. I also corrected the “compatible but slower” checkbox
> in the FPU section of the System tab. I did this by looking at the
> older NIB file and determined that a Control-Return had been entered
> between the words “compatible” and “but”. This eliminates the problem
> where the text was cut off in the dialog box.
> If you are interested in my updates to the English and French NIB
> files, you can find them here:
> The English NIB file looks good to me, but someone else will probably
> want to review the work as well.
Thanks for your effort, but as you've already noticed in your other
mail, the blitter option should stay (just be renamed a little bit).
I think I could also try to make these very small adaptions to the XML
files directly - but I can not change the binary keyedobject.nib files.
Thus I wonder whether we could simply remove these binary files from
the repository and Xcode is then able to regenerate them from the XML
files instead?
> Jerome,
> Thank you for making the changes to the OS X GUI.