Re: [hatari-devel] Mac OS X vs. bRealTimeClock |
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Le 30/06/2016 à 14:24, Bob Carpenter a écrit :
> Thomas,
> I was able to compile and run the version that is now in Mercurial. I needed to fix the problem where “Compatible but slower” was being cut off since a return was not entered in the field.
It's OK for me, even if the produced XCode project is not very user
friendly, because it do not handle very well the localization process.
But it's not a problem.
Bob, you can add your change to en.lproj/SDLmain.xib to the repo (for
Compatible but slower".
We can now localize easily Hatari/OSX in any wanted language ;). I can
add any .lproj needed, and you have just to add it in HATARI_XIBS in