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I will try to take a look at CMAKE and xib files. We need to handle the translation, example provided do not do that. I also have hard work to understand how translation work with xib files. My first try was a failure...
I know why when I tried with watch was in the repo, it made Xcode crash: when I pulled the change, it ask me for merging with my files. Something went wrong....
Envoyé de mon iPad
> Le 25 juin 2016 à 20:44, Thomas Huth <th.huth@xxxxxx> a écrit :
>> On 20.06.2016 22:20, Jerome Vernet wrote:
>>> Le 19/06/2016 à 23:14, Thomas Huth a écrit :
>>> Am Sun, 19 Jun 2016 15:38:43 -0500
>>> schrieb Bob Carpenter <hatari@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>> Thomas,
>>>> I changed the French and English NIB files with the changes you
>>>> mentioned. I changed the text to say “Blitter in ST mode”.. Jerome
>>>> will want to check my French translation since I used Google for the
>>>> French text. The “compatible but slower” text has also been fixed in
>>>> the FPU section.
>>>> Here is the new version of the NIB files.
>>> Thanks, the modification to the XML files looked fine, so I pushed
>>> these changes to the repository now, too.
>>>> Unfortunately, while Xcode supports XIB files, I have never been able
>>>> to get Hatari to work with the XML-based XIB file. I have always had
>>>> to use the NIB files in order for the OS X GUI to work.
>>> Ok ... but ignoring XIB files for now ... what's in keyedobjects.nib
>>> that is not in designable.nib? Do the files contain different
>>> information or is keyedobjects.nib just a compiled version of
>>> designable.nib? Could you maybe try to (temporarily) delete
>>> keyedobjects.nib and check whether Xcode can regenerate it from
>>> the designable.nib file?
>> You cannot remove these files. I do not know what's inside, they are
>> created when you save modified .NIB.
>> We SHOULD be able to work with .XIB files, that are XML files, converted
>> to compiled and compressed .NIB files by XCode at build time;
>> But this need to be added to the CMAKE process, do not know how.
> Ah, ok, thanks for the explanation! There seem to be some examples
> available on the internet, e.g.:
> Anybody wants to have a try? ... it would be really nice to get rid of
> the binary files in the repository...
>> Becaude cmake -G Xcode now produce a perfectly working XCode project,
>> CMAKE process need to handle localization files and XIB compilation.
>> It's obscure...
>> Also, do not edit by hand files inside SDLMain.nib: it do not work
>> (files downloaded from mercurial, modified by Bob made my XCode crash).
> I did not manually edit these files, they are the same as Bob provided!
> So was this a one time crash and it worked afterwards, or is the current
> state of the mercurial repository bad and we need to refresh these files
> again?
> Thomas