Re: [hatari-devel] Screenshots in NEO format -> CI fails / assert

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Le 26/01/2024 à 23:52, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
Le 26/01/2024 à 14:07, Brad Smith a écrit :
Okay, I've made those changes here: <> <>

Using static arrays, using be_swap16, consolidating duplicate code.
Added XIMG to GUI and the new --screenshot-format command line option.
Added documentation of command line option.

Thanks for all your changes + doc and gui.

I merged everything in hatari (changing some indents here and there)

Feel free to blame me if I forgot some patches :)


with latest patch from Brad added, there's now a conflict on the CI jobs

On one hand "SDL_PixelFormat *fmt" was reported as unused and made the job failed, so it was removed from source

but on the other end thomas added "assert(fmt->BytesPerPixel == 4);" which is fine when debug build mode is not enabled, but will fail otherwise as "*fmt" is not defined anymore.

Thomas, any idea on how you'd like to handle this ? maybe remove the assert ?


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