Re: [hatari-devel] Screenshots in NEO format

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On 3.1.2024 23.35, J.Young wrote:
On 1/3/24 15:09, Eero Tamminen wrote:
Yes, that can be very helpful.  Can the running of the "parse" file be assigned to a hotkey?  i.e. F9 runs save-neo.ini?

No, while those files can be handy for automating things, that automation is/was mainly intended for setting up debugger at start (with Hatari "--parse" option), and being called from breakpoints.

For easier invoking of things in debugger, I would suggest using Hatari command FIFO:
  hatari hatari --cmd-fifo $HOME/hatari-cmd

And then having script or desktop shortcut for doing things like:
  echo "hatari-debug parse /path/to/save-neo.ini" > $HOME/hatari-cmd

Well, as you probably saw, Brad here on the list coded a patch to save NEO screenshots from the F12 dialog instead of PNG files. Works very good.

Yes. If Thomas does not have time to look into that, I could check it (maybe next weekend).

Above instructions are useful for many other things too.

	- Eero

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