Re: [hatari-devel] Screenshots in NEO format

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Looking at this and earlier merged original code, I have some objections.

* Instead of StoreNEO(), code should use be_swap16() like rest of the Hatari code (or SDL macros, or ntohs()) * There's no need for static NEOHeader array, it can be just local stack variable in function using it * There's no need for small "png_pal" & "palbuf" arrays in ScreenSnapShot_SavePNG_ToFile() to be static either, those can be in stack too * There's some duplicate code in ScreenSnapShot_SaveNEO() and ScreenSnapShot_SaveXIMG() which could be put to a common helper function

Some update to Hatari manual would also be nice, which mentions that unlike PNG & BMP formats, borders are not saved to these formats although user would have them enabled [1].

	- Eero

[1] at least on quick look it seemed to be so.

On 24.1.2024 7.33, Brad Smith wrote:
I decided to look at XIMG as well, since it is able to represent all of the
other modes that NEO can't without extension. I prepared a second patch
that can provide this as well, if this is desired:

-- Brad Smith

On Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 7:15 PM Brad Smith <rainwarrior@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I have reviewed the changes, and I feel we are still missing support for
many valid modes that could be dumped but don't require non-standard NEO

I have prepared a new PR here to address this:

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