Re: [hatari-devel] Screenshots in NEO format -> CI fails / assert

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Am Sat, 27 Jan 2024 22:27:09 +0100
schrieb Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> with latest patch from Brad added, there's now a conflict on the CI jobs
> On one hand "SDL_PixelFormat *fmt" was reported as unused and made the 
> job failed, so it was removed from source
> but on the other end thomas added "assert(fmt->BytesPerPixel == 4);" 
> which is fine when debug build mode is not enabled, but will fail 
> otherwise as "*fmt" is not defined anymore.
> Thomas, any idea on how you'd like to handle this ? maybe remove the 
> assert ?

Since it's only one spot that uses the value of fmt, I think we can simply
replace it with surface->format. Done now, I hope this fixes the CI


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