Re: [hatari-devel] Screenshots in NEO format

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On 1/3/24 15:09, Eero Tamminen wrote:

You can put repeated debugger steps (like looking up correct addresses & "savebin" calls) to a debugger script, and just call that. like this:
> parse save-neo.ini
Reading debugger commands from 'save-neo.ini'...
> savebin screen.bin 1000 32000
  Wrote 0x7d00 bytes.

> h parse
'parse' or 'p' - get debugger commands from file
Usage:  p [filename]
    Read debugger commands from given file and do them.
    Current directory is script directory during this.
    To specify directory to be used also for breakpoint
    scripts execution, use '-f' option for 'cd' command.

Virtual registers can be used e.g. to hold address values you've looked up / calculated, like this:
> r v0="($200)+32"
  value at ($200).l = $e007ce
- '($200)+32' -> $e007ee

> r
Virtual registers:
  V0 00e007ee  V1 00000000  V2 00000000  V3 00000000
  V4 00000000  V5 00000000  V6 00000000  V7 00000000

    - Eero

Yes, that can be very helpful.  Can the running of the "parse" file be assigned to a hotkey?  i.e. F9 runs save-neo.ini?

Well, as you probably saw, Brad here on the list coded a patch to save NEO screenshots from the F12 dialog instead of PNG files. Works very good.


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