Re: [hatari-devel] Screenshots in NEO format

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On 18/01/2024 00.35, Eero Tamminen wrote:

On 17.1.2024 3.02, Brad Smith wrote:
The NEO format seemed to have a header that specifies dimensions of the
picture, resolution (low/medium/high), and a 16-colour palette, followed by
a 32k dump of screen data. The original NEOChrome program itself only works
with 320x200x4bpp images, however.

So, the question becomes what to do with the other screen modes available
for STE/TT/Falcon. My thought was rather than dumping nothing, or something
incomplete, just include the missing information in a benign way.

Dumping something that cannot be read by any known application (AFAIK) does not make much sense, does it? So I agree with Nicolas here to omit the code.

It may make more sense to save it in *addition* to PNG/BMP, not instead.

Uh, if the users asked for NEO, why should we fill their hard disks with additional files?

I.e. do that additional save only when Hatari option for that is enabled, and screen size & number of colors matches.

IMHO there should be a radio button in the GUI that can be used to switch between PNG, BMP and NEO, instead of having an additional option for NEO beside the PNG/BMP switch in the configs.

While making PNG use exact palette from ST/STE is useful, the first question I have about the Neochrome support is why that particular format?

Why not e.g. DegasElite format support?   Or maybe both, and let user select?

So far only NEO has been requested, so please let's not complicate things until there is a real need for it!

As to larger than 32k Atari compatible screen dumps... Why not use standard Atari format that supports different sizes by the spec, e.g. XIMG:

dito, as long as nobody really really needs this, let's keep our code simple, please.

If the concept of using the format in an extended way is not acceptable, I
would at least suggest returning an error from ScreenSnapShot_SaveNEO for
the GenConv case, so we aren't generating a file containing uninitialized
data, and at least giving a warning through stderr.

Agreed, there should be an error message in the log if a user tries to save a NEO file in a non-compliant screen mode.


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