Re: [hatari-devel] Screenshots in NEO format

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Le 26/01/2024 à 23:12, Georges Kesseler a écrit :

On 21.01.24 15:09, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:

I agree it could be useful to have a format to save the content of the video memory for any video mode but then it should be a dedicated format, not to be mixed with .NEO or .PI1 by extending their "meaning" (maybe .IFF would be more appropriate for this)

Also that NEOchrome Master supports an IFF format which can have a different palette per line. That would make it possible to save all the classic demo screens, which use raster effects, as a picture you could load in NEOchrome Master. Of course trickery like Spectrum512 is something else.


indeed, if anyone feels like adding this to hatari for fun :) (although I think it would be more trouble than fun in the end :) )

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