Re: [hatari-devel] Next Hatari release for OSX |
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Hi Bob,
> Message du 12/06/15 12:37
> De : "Bob Carpenter" <hatari@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Why did you have to modify floppy_ipc.c? I assume it was because you put the header files inside of the framework. In my case, by simply changing the >header search path, I do not have to touch any source code.My goal is to have something ready to build, with cmake. just "copy these framework in ~/Library/Framework. Do ./configure & make", without the need to use macport or fink.The macosX way is to use only framework, not to copy includes files manually in /usr/lib/include or what so ever.>>Do you know how to set Xcode to use the WinUAE CPU? Were you able to use Troed's ccmake . command? I have not set the WinUAE CPU before since I use >Hatari only as an ST/STe.
Well, you need to ./configure --WINUAE (check the correct syntax) BUT if you use your own XCode Project, that's not enough, because it's not the same script/sources for both build.
That's an example why I want to find a way to use cmake only (wich can make an XCode Project, as Troed instructions do). But without any further action, like manuals scripts.
It should be possible.
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