Re: [hatari-devel] Next Hatari release for OSX

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> I know that Troed is trying to compile Hatari to support 10.5. That might be too early for the xib format, but that is another reason to retain the nib file in the repository since it makes it easier to compile Hatari for older OS versions.
Since 10.5 there are lots of change in the content of nib bundle (editable). Old nib bundle contains 3 files: class.nib, info.nib and keyedobjects.nib .  New nib bundle contains only 2 files: designable.nib and keyedobjects.nib. So I’m not certain that an editable nib made under 10.10 is editable under 10.5. 

> Also, how do you put the ibtool command into the Xcode project so it automatically compiles the xib into the nib without doing it manually before you start Xcode to compile Hatari? I was not able to do that before.
You do not put ibtool in Xcode. Xcode use ibtool to "compile" xib. Xcode produces à non editable nib and set it in resource folder.
Realy, ibtool does not compile xib or nib. With .xib file ibtool creates a file of type "keyed archive" which the application use.
In nib Bundle this file is named keyedobjects.nib. Its forme is a "binary property list" (I think)

> This is the ibtool command that worked for me to compile a nib file from your original xib file that I could then use to compile Hatari successfully.
> ibtool --compile ~/Downloads/Hatari/src/gui-osx/English.lproj/SDLMain.nib ~/Downloads/Hatari/src/gui-osx/English.lproj/SDLMain.xib
This give you a nib not editable. Try this and have a look in the nib Bundle:

ibtool --compile ~/Downloads/Hatari/src/gui-osx/English.lproj/SDLMain.nib --flatten NO  ~/Downloads/Hatari/src/gui-osx/English.lproj/SDLMain.xib 

> Thanks for your help.
it’s nothing. Now I’ll have a look to document Jerome send me.


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