Re: [hatari-devel] Next Hatari release for OSX

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I forgot:
There are 3 forms of nib which can be used by application:
editable nib:   bundle with compiled nib & informations for editing
reduced nib:  bundle with compiled nib only.
compiled nib:  compiled nib (not a bundle)
Normally Xcode creates compiled nib.

Le 2 juin 2015 à 11:54, Cocoa Pod <cocoa.pod@xxxxxxx> a écrit :

you can compile Xib in terminal with ibtool (see its man)
or you replace original nib in Hatari source, modify the project and xib will be compiled by Xcode  with Hatari source.
Also,  I writted appli that can do that and other things:

Le 1 juin 2015 à 23:43, Bob Carpenter <hatari@xxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

When someone does compile the OS X version, please use the NIB that I updated. Thorsten Otto found some French translations in the English NIB file. I fixed these to the English definitions. With everyone’s approval, I would like this added to the hg repository.

I do not know how to compile the XIB file from the NIB file.

Bob C

On Jun 1, 2015, at 4:02 PM, Cocoa Pod <cocoa.pod@xxxxxxx> wrote:


I can work on OSx GUI as Jérome. But I need next source and other informations for that.
I use hg. This give me source of hatari 1.8.  Compiling give me somme strange results and Hatari crash with TOS 4.04 & 4.92
I’m ready to listen to your wishes of modifications or addition.

Le 1 juin 2015 à 22:15, Jerome Vernet <vernet.jerome@xxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :


I tried to take a look at what should be added to the MacOsX GUI.
Building from fresh hg pull/update, my build do not have the same SDL
GUI option, for System, for example, as the screenshot in the
documentation (no 68060 option, for example). Why ?


Cocoa Pod

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