Hah - there we go! Thanks! :) Entering something as volume name and then retrying actually made it work here as well just now. Ok, then I think we're seeing the same thing finally. It's not like that on the real hardware. I just made several tests in a row and what happens is that first time I press "Load Module" the cursor changes to a clock, it accesses the floppy and changed to "Volume name". No disk list. Next time I press Load module it changes back to "Path A:\*.MOD" and the list is displayed.
I also looked through the source for AS and there are plenty of file access TRAPs. That _might_ be different between internal test versions and final sent to production (it would take quite some time to understand the code at that level - I did no code on AS) though so I can't be sure. Disassembling the Replicants crack might be a lot faster ..
I'm wondering if this might be a disk change thing. Volume name is the name of the disk and it seems to not understand that there's been a disk switch. Forcing volume name change might jog it.