Re: [hatari-devel] Audio Sculpture and disk access

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Hi Nicolas,

I boot from floppy and while you jogged my memory with possible issues with an emulated GEMDOS drive it made no difference ejecting it unfortunately (in both cases - still none of the versions can read files from floppy)


On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 12:26 PM, Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Le 18/02/2015 12:04, Troed Sångberg a écrit :

I've just observed the following with Hatari v1.8 - and I'm slightly
unsure as to what it means:

1) Audio Sculpture v1.4 (Replicants crack) cannot read floppy images or
mounted GEMDOS drive in Hatari. It just displays ????? free bytes.

2) Audio Sculpture v1.3 (SYNC internal unprotected .PRG) cannot display
filelist from floppy images (displays correct amount of free KB though)
but can correctly display files and read them from mounted GEMDOS drive

(And yes, our internal .PRG release is internal .. I have v1.4 laying
around somewhere as well - I don't think it matters. I'm assuming the
difference is due to the internal version not being compiled with
protection routines)

In none of the cases AS is able to read MODs from a floppy image - which
I find strange. I'm quite sure it can on target hardware, else it
wouldn't be a good crack ;)



is this when booting from drive A: with AS on a floppy, or did you copy AS on the gemdos HD drive and running it from HD ?

If latter, can you try to boot AS from floppy (+ eject gemdos HD drive) and check whether it work or not, to see if the problem is created by the use of gemdos HD drive ?


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