Re: [hatari-devel] mouse grab/capture

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On Sat, 13 Jul 2013, Bob Carpenter wrote:

It does not matter to me, but the mouse grab shortcut should possibly be Shift or Control+Cmd+M. The current shortcut conflicts with the standard shortcut
to minimize a window. You see that keyboard shortcut in the Window menu, but it is overridden by the mouse grab shortcut. 

Thanks for your work on this. Wh,e I do not use the Hatari keyboard shortcuts, they should work if they are available. 


as a very frequent user of the OS X version of Hatari, I pledge you to please not complicate the hotkeys with more key-combinations. cmd-m, cmd-x, cmd-f are three shortcuts I use probably 100 times per day. It would truly suck if they were moved to some less convienient way. Or at least provide a way to keep the old keysetting if you have to change them.

Anders Eriksson

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