Re: [hatari-devel] mouse grab/capture |
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Le 12/07/13 05:06, Bob Carpenter a
écrit :
You're right, there is some serious bug with keyboards shortcut on macosX. I never used them ! SDL take priority over MacOsX, for the leyboard, so, in fact, no Menu Shortcut seem to work (anymore ?). Cmd-M is for mouse grab/capture. (Hatari 1.7 have problems with mouse capture/grab/release/loss of mouse pointer, wich do not work well, even on Linux Build). Cmd-F for full Screen Work. Cmd-S turn on/off the sound Cmd-R (Warn Reset) work Cmd-C (Cold Reset) also. CMD-A start recording Cmd-D open the SDL GUI for choosing a configuration file Cmd-I Minimize Cmd-L do something (refresh ?) Cmd-O: SDL GUI Preferences Cmd-X; fast ?? On/off
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