Re: [hatari-devel] MODE SENSE update patch

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> I agree that the "Suspicious semicolon" could be fixed to help static
> analyzers, but the "one per line" warnings look just like unnecessary
> nitpicking to me, so I suggest that you rather switch them off in your
> project settings.

The warnings do not really bother me, I just posted them in case somebody
was interested. There are also errors, but these are caused by shortcomings
of the CDT code analysis.
It would be interesting to see the analysis results of tools like SonarQube,
which are usually much more intersting. But SonarQube for C is not free,
even though when using it may be possible to run an analysis
without needing a SonarQube license. Setting up a SonarQube analysis for C
is rather complicated, though, at least compared to environments where maven
or gradle are used as build tools.

Best regards


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