Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari screen test |
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Hi, On 5/29/20 1:12 PM, Thomas Huth wrote:
I think I've found now a nice solution: The test program now checks the TOS version at the end of the screen, and if it's TOS 0.01 a.k.a Hatari's FakeTOS, it jumps to a routine that takes a screenshot via XBIOS #20 and then exits. Thus, no more command-FIFO polling in the test script, no more races, the test should still run on an original ST, and the test runs visibly faster in "make test".
I agree, this looks the best solution. - Eero "Hatari doesn't provide just a hammer, it includes also a selection of screen^H^Hewdrivers, and a chainsaw."
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